Guiding You Towards a Brighter Future - Our Comprehensive Services

Mediation - Finding Harmony Together

Divorce doesn't have to be a battleground. Our mediation service provides a safe, neutral space where both parties can communicate openly and work towards mutually beneficial agreements. Jessica’s unique background in counseling and financial planning facilitates discussions, helping you and your spouse find common ground and make informed decisions about your future. Mediation with BlackBird Divorce Solutions is not just about resolving disputes; it's about laying the foundation for a respectful post-divorce relationship.

Collaborative Divorce - Team-Based Solutions

Collaborative divorce is a holistic approach that involves a team of professionals – including two lawyers, a financial specialist, and a therapist – all working together to support you through this challenging time and ensure a smooth, respectful, and comprehensive divorce process. This service is ideal for couples seeking an amicable resolution without the adversarial nature of court proceedings. Jessica’s financial expertise ensures your financial interests are protected and future planning is secure.

Financial Advocacy - Securing Your Future

Navigating the financial aspects of divorce can be daunting. Our financial advocacy service is designed to empower you with the knowledge and strategies to manage and protect your assets. Jessica's role as a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®) involves analyzing your financial situation, providing clear and actionable advice, and assisting in the negotiation process. Whether you're concerned about retirement planning, asset division, or post-divorce budgeting, our expertise ensures that your financial future is a priority.

Additional Services - Tailored to Your Needs

Beyond our core services, BlackBird Divorce Solutions offers additional support tailored to your unique situation. This may include financial planning for post-divorce life, assistance with complex asset divisions, or referrals to trusted legal and therapeutic professionals. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive suite of services that address every aspect of your divorce journey.

Contact us for a consultation and begin your journey towards a brighter future.